Monday, October 5, 2015

Femme Fatale

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I am massively inspired and influenced by my fellow bloggers, and so when luxury plus size brand Navabi sent me this jaw dropping coat I looked to Queen of decadence and self proclaimed ‘Luxury Bitch’ herself Arched Eyebrow to create this look.

Bethany’s style is faux fur and leather and straight up sophistication with a twist, and after recieving the amazing coat I set about putting a look together that channelled my inner Bethany and did it justice.

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I chose a very ‘film noir’ style look to showcase the size 18 coat. I put the look together in my head and then hurriedly shopped for the items on ASOS. I really fretted about whether it would work like I intended, but I needn’t have worried…

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The blazer-like look of the coat gives it an instant androgynous glamourous look and I think it could be dressed either way – with some skinny jeans, boots and a jumper, or as I have done – with a clingy black dress (the now sold out Lady Voluptuous Ursula with some insane Freya Deco cleavage) and some faux fur!

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I am generally an 18 in fitted items, especially things like coats that will often require layering underneath. However, this coat does come up quite small and I would not be able to add anything thick underneath it – it’ll be something I throw on over a fabulous dress on a night out. The colour is a true maroon which does remind me of my school uniform, eek! It’s made of a blazer like material and it doesn’t crease at all. It hangs beautifully, and the curve at the waist gives it the most amazing shape.

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The hat, gloves and faux fur will add some warmth to the outfit, as well as that femme fatale glamour. I have never owned a faux fur piece before, but I think I need more! I love how the maroon in it matches the coat.

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Do you like my take on a more femme fatale style? Let me know!


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Friday, October 2, 2015

Our Wedding

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It’s crazy to think that Robbie and I have been married for three months now! All that planning and fretting and it’s been and gone, done. It truly was the best day of our lives, and I wanted to share a snapshot of it all with you guys and talk about the dress, the undies and a few other bits and pieces! I would like to apologise for any photos not being in orders. This has taken me a few days to compose and I have tried my hardest to get these in order but things keep misbehaving! But I hope you get the general feel of it all!


Thanks to the amazing Crafty Pagan the tone was set by our fabulous invites! As Robbie and I are both musical fans it was fairly easy to come up with a theme for the wedding – something to name the tables after etc. And because our Monkey Island venue contained two beautiful peacocks, that crept in a bit as well.

Our wonderful, amazing, perfect ninja-photographer Lizzie Adams from ‘Shoot It Momma’ captured the day for us perfectly. She was the right mix of helpful, stern, respectful and hilarious and I am so pleased that we chose her to be our photographer. She really went the extra mile and all of our guests fell in love with her. I really do not have enough good things to say about Lizzie and I would really recommend her to everyone.

For the bridal party, the day started bright and early. I had an average of 4 hours sleep each night that week, and the night before the wedding I got a total of two. However, by the time the hair and make up artissts started to arrive I was really raring to go and felt perky and scared!

I had a fabulous team of hair and make up artists that rocked up to beautify myself and my 7 bridesmaids.
Sarah Elliott is someone I have worked with several times at My Boudoir, and she was only ever going to be my first choice to do my hair and make up. I was so so grateful that she made the journey to Windsor to make myself and Caroline look wonderful – I cried, I sweated and I stayed flawless all day!
Lucie Luella is a hair wizard. She works fast and she can make even the most stubborn hair hold a curl. Several of my bridesmaids told her how their hair never ever behaved, and two days later they were still curly!
As I had so many bridesmaids to beautify, I had to go for seperate hair and make up artists and so Kelly aka Miss Honey Bare was the one for me! She is friends with Lucie, she works fast and is a fabulous make up artist.

I had eBay bought white hair flowers for my bridesmaids, and all I asked was that they had vaguely vintagey hair. They could have a full face of slap or something light, red, pink or bare lips, hair up or down – just please wear flowers! And happily the team were brilliant at understanding this and my bridesmaids each selected the kind of look they were after and in no time at all they were all made up and looking amazing.

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It was such a weird morning. Time went so slowly but then before I knew it it was half eleven and I was freaking out because we had to leave soon. I managed to have a bath, shave my legs, eat a good breakfast, brush my teeth and have a poo – the essentials! But suddenly this day that I had been planning for 13 months (that had taken an age to get here) was really picking up speed. I suddenly started to really panic – mostly about getting there on time. I was helped into my underwear – a beautiful bra from Ewa Michalak, my ‘something blue’, a baby corset from What Katie Did and some high waisted Maidenform briefs. I chose those briefs because I basically needed something that wasn’t going to creep up into my butt cheeks – hungry butt is not the one! And because the baby corset is shorter, I just wanted to have a little help in case my tummy popped out a little!

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And then it was time to get into my dress! The dress! A dress like no other because it had been customised and added to. The dress itself was the now discontinued Faye from Collectif. I think that it was a no brainer that I would go for a knee length dress, and having modelled several full length gowns since I am pleased that I did. Darling Rosie Red was an absoluet legend at ‘pimping’ the dress out. She added Swarovski crystals to the skirt (in the same colour as some of my earrings, my main earrings were a vintage pair), she prettied up the ribbon I had bought to add as a sash, she added a lace up back to the dress because I was worried that my boobs would pop the zip – plus, it helped conceal the back fat that my corset pushed out, and she made the most wonderful dress coat. The dress coat was initially going to be a bolero that would help cover my arms and bra straps (because strapless bras were not something I fancied rocking on my wedding day). Howe ver, Ros ie is amazing at sewing text into her creations, and came up with the idea of creating a full length dress coat that would have some of the lyrics to our first dance sewn into it. It was visible enough that I had guests commenting on it, but it didn’t stand out too much. Just perfect. And the teal petticoat that I added helped bring it all together colour wise.

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IMG_0216Sarah removed my pincurls and attached my gorgeous Rosadior hair piece birdcage veil to my head, I added some trusty Garnier oil to my inner legs to stop chaffing. My bridesmaid Bethan fastened my custom made Shoes of Prey shoes – my last resort because I couldn’t find the perfect colour, style and heel height ready made! Time was suddenly moving very fast and I had had countless nightmares about not getting to the venue on time meaning that the registrar had already left. And it felt so odd to actually be on my way to a place that had featured so heavily in my dreams. Happily, I arrived on time and met my Dad and the wedding organiser in the carpark and I got ready to walk over with my bevvy of bridesmaids.

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I walked down the aisle to the dramatic opening overture from ‘Phantom Of The Opera’, played by a string quartet that had been playing musical numbers as my guests arrived. My Dad was really tickled by the fact that that was what we were going in to, and so he made his own Phantom mask to carry with him down the aisle!
And suddenly I was there with Robbie and I was a whole bundle of emotions! But we did it, we got married and it was perfect! And we signed the register to ‘That’s All I Ask Of You’ and ‘Defying Gravity’, and walked back down the aisle to ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’.

And then, onto the drinking, eating and dancing!

As Robbie’s surname is ‘Cox’ we decided to have ‘Cox-Tales’ reception drinks – because not everyone like proseccco and we wanted to tell the story of our relationship with alcohol!

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And after the obligatory photos of the birdal party – including my bridesmaids in their amazing custom made Lady V London bridesmaids dresses, we headed in for the weddding breaakfast! We had named each table after favourite musicals, and the wondrous BloominGayles created perfect floral arrangements to match each table – pinks for Grease, colourful for Joseph. And of course, there was a little of us on every table thanks to the fabukous graphic skills of Nattie Rickman.

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It was so weird to sit there during the meal and see people react to their custom lego pieces, the competitions that we had running on the table (whoever told the best story about myself and/or Robbie won the musical theatre Lego centre piece), the props, the wonderful magician Simon Alexander, the yummy food! It was a relief to see people getting on and making friends and getting drunk! It was going just like a real wedding should! Those hours of making bunting, of crying over florists who didn’t reply, of shouting at my bridesmaids as they help us set up the venue and stick rice paper peacocks feathers to our cake. All of that for one day!

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And then it was the cake cutting, the first dance (Promise Me by Beverley Craven), the barn dancing and the partying and it was over! The longest and yet shortest mostly highly anticipated day of our lives. And we were husband and wife! And really, that was all that mattered. But having a jam packed fabulous day didn’t hurt either!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed the small selection (!!!) of photos and my brief synopsis of the day! :)

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