Thursday, September 24, 2015

Win A Free Pair of Glasses!

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If you follow my blog regularly, you might recall that last spring I reviewed Firmoo, an online optical company. Catch up with the original post here.  If you follow blogs in general, I am sure you are aware by now that some bloggers are inundated with requests to promote different products and services.  Some of the times they are items we like and want while other times…l et’s j ust say..not so much. But, when Firmoo contacted me last spring I was stoked.  At last something I needed/wanted which also allowed me to check out the services of an online optical company (which I never considered) and spared me a few $$, as we all know that vision packages can get costly.

This time, I am passing on this opportunity to YOU.  You could win a free pair of 1.50 index single vision lenses and frames of your choose including FREE SHIPPING, an estimated value of approximately $100. 

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3. Check out the glasses here and post a comment below to let me know which frames are your favorite(s). 

When it comes to eyewear, I tend to go for large frames for my full face and I have a special affection for wayfarers and vintage frames.  Firmoo glasses are so affordable that it allows me to have more than one style of  prescription glasses in my arsenal. I am considering one of these glasses for a second pair, which ones do you like? 

Don’t forget to leave a comment below regarding which glasses are YOUR favorite. Here is the link again. A winner will be announced on this blog and in the P&S newsletter on October 1st.

 Goodluck and until then, Stay Fab!


Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Firmoo. Upgrade lenses and add-ons are additional charges.
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